In this fun hands-on class, you will learn techniques for painting pictures using a felting needle for a "brush" and a variety of colors and textures of fibers for "paint."

We will learn basic needle-felting techniques and work in class on creating on a needle-felted painting step-by-step. 

Everyone can be a landscape artist with fiber!

Students will make a 6x8 felted wool fiber landscap "painting" of the barn with sunflowers shown on this page.

All supplies will be provided and are included in the price of the class.

Students will take home their finished picture, felting pad, felting needles and some additional fiber to create another painting. 

Make a beautiful Needle-felted Landscape


$55 - Includes Supplies

Good Earth Gatherings
near Lawrence, Kansas

(Address: 858 E. 1500 Rd, Baldwin City, KS 66006)

Saturday, March 15
12:30pm - 3:30pm

This is a three-hour class. Take home a completed fiber painting.

Seats are limited and will fill quickly. Grab your spot!

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If you try to enroll and the classes are full, email us at [email protected] to let us know you would be interested in enrolling if we add an additional session of this class.